Street Fighter 6
Developed and published by Capcom as the sixth main entry in the widely popular fighting game series. Launched in 2023 the game has received critical acclaim and massive adoption from the fighting game community.

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Ways to Play
Street Fighter 6 is available as a high school league starting this Fall 2024
High School League
Genre: Action
Competition Format: 1v1, teams of 3
System: Cross Platform (PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox Series X/S)
How it's Played
Teams of 3 players will go head-to-head in several rounds of 1v1 fights in an attempt to knock out their opponent. Street Fighter 6 requires sharp reflexes, adaptability, and mental fortitude from players to achieve and sustain success
The Game
Players select from a roster of over 20 diverse fighters featuring new and returning characters from the Street Fighter franchise. Each fighter features a unique fighting style with their own strengths and weaknesses for players to learn and overcome.
The Action
Each player will compete against another player on the opposing team. Players must use differing attacks to weaken their opponents and knock them out for the count. Fighters feature different set of combos and special abilities that players must learn to use or defend against.
The Goal
Each game consists of a head to head fight where the first to knock out their opponent in 2 separate rounds takes the win.